Monday, February 27, 2012

It's coming...

This weekend, I shall haul my winter fat-laden carcass out to RBR; the time has come to build up the aforementioned rando-Metabike.

Nothing über-blingy, but nothing to sneer at either, parts-wise: Paul's Thumbies w/ SRAM TT 500 barcons, Rival 50/34 crankset, Red front mech, X-9 rear mech, 11-36 cassette, and Avid BB7s for the brakes.
Wheelset from Peter White, including the SON dynamo; a nice set of Supernova lights, headrest and bottle cage mount from Don at ADEM; retro-reflective rim strips and decals from Fiks Reflective. And an upgrade from fiberglass to carbon for the seat should knock an extra pound or so off the build...(thanks, Frank!)

I'm excited...should be a really fun bike.


Bill said...

Are you doing the 100k on the 17th? When will this bike make its debut?

Reddan said...

I was planning to head down to DC for a 200K that weekend, but I may save the gas and hotel money and just ride our 100K.

TomH said...

naw, you should just drive down very very early to do it. consider it to be CTC/600K/1000K sleep deprivation training.

WMdeR said...


Would you be interested in doing a "What We Ride" piece with American Randonneur once you've got a few brevets in on the new recumbent? We'd be interested in the piece.

Please contact me directly.

wmderosset at gmail dot com

Best Regards,


William M. deRosset
Acting Editor, American Randonneur
Fort Collins, CO