1) Attended the RBR Rally last weekend; good fun was had by all, except for Jay, who ended up with an enraged rodent (chipmunk or red squirrel, depending on observer) in his lap while on his trike. T-shirts along the lines "I got 'Munked at the Rally" are in the works for next year...

2) Brought home a new toy; Rob has loaned me an Optima Baron to test for suitability as a go-fast bike. (Above picture is image of actual bike, but lacking Aerospokes and the fire-engine-red tailbox I'll be bolting on as well.) It's kitted out nicely, all Ultegra and X-0, dripping with carbon fiber, and a set of Aerospoke wheels. I'm still not sure how well I like the Aerospokes, as they are flippin' heavy, but I must admit they do look snazzy. First impressions, absent real data due to lack of cycle computer: compares well to my P-38 on overall speed, faster on the descents and significant aerodynamic advantage once speeds get into the low 20s, climbs surprisingly well. Funfunfunfun bike; my first experiment with a low racer.
3) Apparently, Deena's gotten me a unicycle for my birthday. Heh. That's gonna be an adventure...I never guessed my first fixie would have less than the usual complement of wheels...
4) I've taken the plunge and signed up for the Eastern PA 1000K. Might as well make my randonneuring rookie year a memorable one...
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